Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

12102012-CV3-Les1. Nice to meet you, Ms. Liu

Dear all,
Hi..here are some materials on Sat, 121020012 , check them out!
Things that are commonly asked at first meeting :
  • name
  • address
  • job/occupation
  • company
  • country
  • nationality
  • hobby
  • etc
Things that are not commonly asked at first meeting :
  • age
  • salary
  • marital status
  • family status
  • etc
Expressions that usually mentioned at first meeting:
  • hi/hello
  • Greetings (good morning, afternoon, evening)
  • how are you ?
  • how do you do ?
  • nice to meet you
  • see you later
  • etc. 
Topics of Small Talk :
  • Places/Travel 
  • Job/Occupation
  • Studies
  • Interest/Hobbies
  • Weather
  • Fashion
  • Politic
  • etc

Spelling it out !


You may also copy this table from this link Spelling it out ! (using the NATO phonetic alphabet)

For Simple Past Tense presentation slides can be downloaded here Simple Past Tense PPT

Simple Past Tense 

Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta-fakta atau kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau atau masa lalu. Jika kita membicarakan masa lampau, itu bisa beberapa menit yang lalu, sejam yang lalu, 2 hari yang lalu, bulan lalu, tahun lalu dan sebagainya, yang penting masa waktunya sudah lewat dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan masa sekarang. 

I ate pizza 2 minutes ago. = Saya makan pizza dua menit yang lalu.
She did homework last night. = Dia mengerjakan PR tadi malam.
Dalam pembuatan kalimat simple past tense tidak terlalu sulit. 

Berikut ini rumusnya:
Positif: Subjek + V2 
Negatif: Subjek + Did not + V1

Pertanyaan: Did + Subjek + V1 + ?

Kata kerja yang digunakan dalam simple past tense adalah kata kerja bentuk ke 2, bisa regular dan irregular verbs

Berikut ini contoh kata kerja regular dan irregular:
V1                  V2                    
play                played             
live                 lived                  
study              studied               
watch             watched             


Note: Dalam kata kerja regular, perubahan bentuknya tinggal menambahkan d/ed saja.

V1                 V2                   
go                  went                 
take               took                   
get                 got                     
buy                bought  

Perlu diingat bahwa sesuai rumus yang di cantumkan di atas, dalam simple past tense, kata kerja ke-2 hanya digunakan dalam kalimat positif saja, jika dalam bentuk negatif dan pertannyaan kata kerja ke-2 tersebut haruslah dirubah menjadi kata kerja bentuk ke-1.

Berikut ini contoh-contoh kalimat dalam simple past tense:
I Went to school yesterday.
My mother bought a new car last month.
Roni got up early last Sunday.
The boy played games in this room 5 minutes ago.
I did not go to school yesterday.
My mother did not buy a new car last month.
Roni did not get up early last Sunday.
The boy did not play games in this room 5 minutes ago.
Did you go to school yesterday? Yes, I did/No, I did not
Did your mother buy a new car last month? Yes, she did/No, She did not
Did Roni get up early last Sunday? Yes, he did/No, He did not
Did the boy play games in this room 5 minutes ago? Yes, he did/ No, he did not

Where did you go yesterday? I went to school yesterday.
What did your mother buy last month? She bought a new car last month.
What did the boy play in this room 5 minutes ago? He played games 5 minutes ago.
Note: Dalam kalimat simple past tense, kata  bantu yang dipakai adalah "did" dan ini berlaku untuk semua subjek. Berbeda dengan simple present tense yang memakai "do" dan "does" tergantung subjek pada kalimat. Jadi simple past tense ini lebih mudah dan tidak terlalu membingungkan. Hanya saja kita harus mengetahui bentuk kedua dari setiap kata kerja yang kita gunakan.

Kata keterangan/adverbs yang biasa dipakai dalam simple past tense

Yesterday = kemarin
... ago      = ... yang lalu
last Tuesday = Selasa lalu, dll
last month = bulan lalu
last year   = tahun lalu
today       = hari ini
Dalam kalimat simple past tense pun terkadang tidak memakai kata keterangan, akan tetapi walau tidak ada kata keterangan pada kalimat tersebut, kita sudah bisa memahami bahwa peristiwa/kejadian tersebut terjadi pada masa lampau.
I got up late.
She did not take a bath.

The simple past tense is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past. You state when it happened using a time adverb.
You form the simple past of a verb by adding -ed onto the end of a regular verb but, irregular verb forms have to be learned.

To be
To be
Questions ?
I was. I wasn't. Was I?
He was. He wasn't. Was he?
She was. She wasn't. Was she?
It was. It wasn't. Was it?
You were. You weren't. Were you?
We were. We weren't. Were we?
They were. They weren't. Were they?
Regular Verb (to work) Statements
Regular Verb (to work) Statements
Questions Short answer
Short answer
I worked. I didn't work. Did I work? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.
He worked. He didn't work. Did he work? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.
She worked. She didn't work. Did she work? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.
It worked. It didn't work. Did it work? Yes, it did. No, it didn't.
You worked. You didn't work. Did you work? Yes you did. No, you didn't.
We worked. We didn't work. Did we work? Yes we did. No, we didn't.
They worked. They didn't work. Did they work? Yes they did. No, they didn't.

Simple Past Timeline

Simple past tense timeline

For example:
"Last year I took my exams."
"I got married in 1992."
It can be used to describe events that happened over a period of time in the past but not now.
For example:
"I lived in South Africa for two years."
The simple past tense is also used to talk about habitual or repeated actions that took place in the past.
For example:
"When I was a child we always went to the seaside on bank holidays."

That's all for now.. :)



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